HeroEngine & BioWare

BioWare Using Simutronics’ HeroEngine for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Collaborative Tool Significantly Aids Game Development

GAITHERSBURG, Md. – Dec. 10, 2008

Simutronics, a leading creator of online game development platforms and interactive entertainment, and BioWare™, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS), today announced that Star Wars®: The Old Republic™, a story-driven massively multiplayer online PC game set in the timeframe of the Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™ franchise that is being developed and published by BioWare and LucasArts, is being built using Simutronics’ HeroEngine™.

“Our goal was to partner with a platform developer that knows online gaming and virtual world development, and the team at Simutronics has an excellent track record in that respect,” said Gordon Walton, Co-Studio Director at BioWare. “Their HeroEngine was specifically created for building MMOGs and it allows for a great amount of flexibility in the way our entire team collaborates.”

The unique collaborative design platform of the HeroEngine allows for development in real-time, enabling teams in different geographic locales to build the world and play the game live on the server simultaneously. Updates and changes to the game environment are instantaneous, negating the need for nightly builds and code crunching, which significantly reduces the notoriously long MMOG development cycle.

“The team at BioWare is creating an incredible experience, and we’re honored that they’ve selected our tool to help them build this epic world,” said David Whatley, Simutronics’ Chief Executive Office and HeroEngine Chief Designer. “We’ve invested years of experience and our passion for virtual world entertainment into developing HeroEngine, and we’re confident that fans and online gaming enthusiasts alike will be happy with the finished product.”
For more HeroEngine information, visit www.heroengine.com

For more information on BioWare, visit www.bioware.com

For more information on Star Wars: The Old Republic, visit www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com

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